So che immaginavate un primissimo articolo su Anastasia Volkova ma non volevo darmi per scontata!
I know that you all were expecting a first post about Anastasia Volkova but I did not want to give me for granted.
I know that you all were expecting a first post about Anastasia Volkova but I did not want to give me for granted.
...Cosi ho deciso di parlarvi di Sonya Khegay, conosciuta tramite Instagram.
...So I decided to talk about Sonya Khegay. I met her through Instagram.
In realtà sono molte le ispirazioni trovate tramite questo social, rimango stupita ogni qualvolta accedo ad uno degli stream e mi trovo davanti alla bravura di chi sa maneggiare uno smartphone cosi bene, sicuramente meglio di me!!
Through Instagram I found a lot of inspirational streams and everytime I felt shocked by how people can be able to manage so good their smartphones, surely more than me!!
Through Instagram I found a lot of inspirational streams and everytime I felt shocked by how people can be able to manage so good their smartphones, surely more than me!!
Sonya vive in Montenegro, ogni mattina delizia i suoi follower con scene mozzafiato di laghi coperti dalla nebbia o di albe che tolgono il fiato.
Sonya lives in Montenegro and every morning she delights her followers with breathtaking pictures of foggy lakes or sunrises that take your breath away.
Sonya lives in Montenegro and every morning she delights her followers with breathtaking pictures of foggy lakes or sunrises that take your breath away.
La adoro perchè le sue foto sono come carezze soffici, sui toni del panna e del rosa pallido. La invidio per la bravura di ritrarre tutto con una luce magnifica!
I love her because her pictures are like soft caresses with shades of creme and pale pink. I envy her for her ability to capture everything in such a beautiful light!
I love her because her pictures are like soft caresses with shades of creme and pale pink. I envy her for her ability to capture everything in such a beautiful light!
Se non mi sono informata male... Sonya scatta principalmente dal 2011!
Non so molto di lei: è riservata, condivide principalmente la sua passione e pochi suoi interessi. La ammiro proprio per il suo modo di apparire sempre felice e tranquilla, mai un'esitazione e le sue foto mi mettono tranquillità, trasmettono amore e ti fanno venir voglia di esser lei, un secondo ed essere in pace con te stesso!
If I am right, Sonya started to take pictures since 2011!!!
I do not know much about her: she is reserved, mainly shares his passion and a few of his interests. I admire her because of her way to always appear happy and quiet, no hesitation , and her pictures makes me calm too, convey love and make you want to walk in her shoes just for a second, just to be in peace with yourself.
I do not know much about her: she is reserved, mainly shares his passion and a few of his interests. I admire her because of her way to always appear happy and quiet, no hesitation , and her pictures makes me calm too, convey love and make you want to walk in her shoes just for a second, just to be in peace with yourself.
In breve:
Sonya Khegay è una fotografa di food, still life, wedding, engagement, book e famiglie based in Montenegro. Scatta dal 2011 con Canon EOS 5d Mark II.
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